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Ostseecamp Seeblick offers a wonderful location directly on the Baltic Sea with parking spaces on the cliff. The site includes electricity and wireless internet. The toilets are very clean and there are also facilities for children. The pitches are sometimes close to each other, but there are also larger comfort places available. The staff is very friendly and helpful.
Ostseecamp Seeblick offers a wonderful location directly on the Baltic Sea with parking spaces on the cliff. The site includes electricity and wireless internet. The toilets are very clean and there are also facilities for children. The pitches are sometimes close to each other, but there are also larger comfort places available. The staff is very friendly and helpful.
5 omdömen
October 22
I stayed there for 3 nights. I really liked it.
August 22
Excellent site in a lovely location with great amenities and helpful staff
July 20
Noisy - Expensive - Difficult pitch access. What should be a "Campingplatz" is more a "Festplatz". The noise (music & toastmaster) from the central stage area where the animation/activities takes place all days except Sunday's during highseason is simply too much. Although located direct at the seaside it's pricey. Imagine you can only do 3 minutes shower and must wait another 3 minutes before you can continue and that at a top price camp site. Quite a few of the pitches are difficult too access with medium to large size caravans. Wifi is so so depending on your location. ALL IN ALL I WOULD HAVE BEEN MORE POSITIVE IF NOT FOR THE NOISE FROM ANIMATION/ACTIVITIES WHERE QUITE A LARGE PART OF THE PITCHES ARE DIRECT IMPACTED. BUT THAT'S HOW THE CAMP SITE HAS CHOSEN TO ARRANGE THEIR OFFERING.
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