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Sevel Camping. WiFi all over campsite, campers gravel
Sevel Camping. WiFi all over campsite, campers gravel
5 omdömen
June 23
Excellent camping. Owners are interested, enthusiastic and proud on what they offer. Camping is cozy and places are large. Showers and toilets are clean and work well. Swimming pool is very nice addition. All that and the nature around it make it worthwhile. Beautiful nature and hiking tracks. Distance from 5km up to as much as you like. Your walks will go through nature without interruption from other people. Recommend this location.
August 22
Really nice camping. Enough to do for children. Outdoor games all over the camping site. Heated swimming pool (with adult only hours), petanque area, ... nice camping spots in a quiet place. They even have they own "boardgamecafé" with about 100 boardgames to play (for a little extra; 50DKK per camping spot). He even came and played with us for some time :-) Showers (included) and toilets are also very clean. There are 2 kitchens: one with 2 ovens and 2 x 4 stoves and a seating area, and an older kitchen with 2 x 4 stoves to cook on (all included). There is a fridge and freezer you can also use. The owner is a young, very enthousiastic guy who loves to show you around and point you the best spots on his camping site. Also ready to give you a lot of tips to do in the environment. We would have loved staying longer, but we had to move to our next destination unfortunately. Thanks for having us!
August 22
One of our favorite campsites til now - very friendly owner, clean shower for free & a lovely location in general :)
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